Why ICML? and the summer conferences

Here’s a quick reference for summer ML-related conferences sorted by due date:

Conference Due date Location Reviewing
KDD Feb 10 August 12-16, Beijing, China Single Blind
COLT Feb 14 June 25-June 27, Edinburgh, Scotland Single Blind? (historically)
ICML Feb 24 June 26-July 1, Edinburgh, Scotland Double Blind, author response, zero SPOF
UAI March 30 August 15-17, Catalina Islands, California Double Blind, author response

Geographically, this is greatly dispersed and the UAI/KDD conflict is unfortunate.

Machine Learning conferences are triannual now, between NIPS, AIStat, and ICML. This has not always been the case: the academic default is annual summer conferences, then NIPS started with a December conference, and now AIStat has grown into an April conference.

However, the first claim is not quite correct. NIPS and AIStat have few competing venues while ICML implicitly competes with many other conferences accepting machine learning related papers. Since Joelle and I are taking a turn as program chairs this year, I want to make explicit the case for ICML.

  1. COLT was historically a conference for learning-interested Computer Science theory people. Every COLT paper has a theorem, and few have experimental results. A significant subset of COLT papers could easily be published at ICML instead. ICML now has a significant theory community, including many pure theory papers and significant overlap with COLT attendees. Good candidates for an ICML submission are learning theory papers motivated by real machine learning problems (example: the agnostic active learning paper) or which propose and analyze new plausibly useful algorithms (example: the adaptive gradient papers). If you find yourself tempted to add empirical experiments to prove the point that your theory really works, ICML sounds like an excellent fit. Not everything is a good fit though—papers motivated by definitional aesthetics or tradition (Valiant style PAC learning comes to mind) may not be appreciated.

    There are two significant advantages to ICML over COLT. One is that ICML provides a potentially much larger audience which appreciates and uses your work. That’s substantially less relevant this year, because ICML and COLT are colocating and we are carefully designing joint sessions for the overlap day.

    The other is that ICML is committed to fair reviewing—papers are double blind so reviewers are not forced to take into account the author identity. Plenty of people will argue that author names don’t matter to them, but I’ve personally seen several cases as a reviewer where author identity affected the decision, typically towards favoring insiders or bigwigs at theory conferences as common sense would suggest. The double blind aspect of ICML reviewing is an open invitation to outsiders to submit to ICML.

  2. Many UAI papers could easily go to ICML because they are explicitly about machine learning or connections with machine learning. For example, pure prediction markets are a stretch for ICML, but connections between machine learning and prediction markets, which seem to come up in multiple ways, are a good fit. Bernhard‘s lab has done quite a bit of work on extracting causality from prediction complexity which could easily interest people at ICML. I’ve personally found some work on representations for learning algorithms, such as sum-product networks of first class interest. UAI has a definite subcommunity of hardcore Bayesians which is less evident at ICML. ICML as a community seems more pragmatist w.r.t. Bayesian methods: if they work well, that’s good. Of the comparators here, UAI seems the most similar in orientation to ICML to me.

    ICML provides a significantly larger potential audience and, due to it’s size, tends to be more diverse.

  3. KDD is a large conference (a bit larger than ICML by attendance) which, as I understand it, initially started from the viewpoint of database people trying to do interesting things with the data they had. The conference is generally one step more commercial/industrial than ICML. Significant parts of the academic track are about machine learning technology and could have been submitted to ICML instead. I was impressed by the double robust sampling work and the out of core learning paper is cool. And, I often enjoy the differential privacy in learning work. KDD attendees tends to be very pragmatic about what works, which is reinforced by yearly prediction challenges. I appreciate this viewpoint quite a bit.

    KDD doesn’t do double blind review, which was discussed above. To me, a more significant drawback of KDD is the ACM paywall. I was burned by this last summer. We decided to do a large scale learning survey based on the SUML compendium at KDD, but discovered too late that the video would be stuck behind the paywall, unlike our learning with exploration tutorial the year before. As I understand it, the year before ACM made them pay twice: once to videolectures and once to ACM, which was understandably judged unsustainable. The paywall is particularly rough for students who are not well-established, because it substantially limits their potential audience.

    This is not a problem at ICML 2012. Every prepared presentation will be videotaped and we will have every paper easily and publicly accessible along with it. The effort you put into the presentation will payoff over hundreds or thousands of additional online views.

  4. Area conferences. There are many other conferences which I think of as adjacent area conferences, including AAAI, ACL, SIGIR, CVPR and WWW which I have not attended enough or recently enough to make a real comparison with. Nevertheless, in each of these conferences, machine learning is a common technology. And sometimes new forms of machine learning technology are developed. Depending on many circumstances, ICML might be a good candidate for a place to send a paper on a new empirically useful piece of machine learning technology. Or not—the circumstances matter hugely.

Machine Learning has grown radically and gone industrial over the last decade, providing plenty of motivation for a conference on developing new core machine learning technology. Indeed, it is because of the power of ML that so much overlap exists. In most cases, the best place to send a paper is to the conference where it will be most appreciated. But, there is a real sense in which you create the community by participating in it. So, when the choice is unclear, sending the paper to a conference designed simultaneously for fair high quality reviewing and broad distribution of your work is a good call as it provides the most meaningful acceptance. For machine learning, that conference is ICML. Details of the ICML plan this year are here. We are on track.

As always, comments are welcome.

Vowpal Wabbit version 6.1 & the NIPS tutorial

I just made version 6.1 of Vowpal Wabbit. Relative to 6.0, there are few new features, but many refinements.

  1. The cluster parallel learning code better supports multiple simultaneous runs, and other forms of parallelism have been mostly removed. This incidentally significantly simplifies the learning core.
  2. The online learning algorithms are more general, with support for l1 (via a truncated gradient variant) and l2 regularization, and a generalized form of variable metric learning.
  3. There is a solid persistent server mode which can train online, as well as serve answers to many simultaneous queries, either in text or binary.

This should be a very good release if you are just getting started, as we’ve made it compile more automatically out of the box, have several new examples and updated documentation.

As per tradition, we’re planning to do a tutorial at NIPS during the break at the parallel learning workshop at 2pm Spanish time Friday. I’ll cover the basics, leaving the fun stuff for others.

  1. Miro will cover the L-BFGS implementation, which he created from scratch. We have found this works quite well amongst batch learning algorithms.
  2. Alekh will cover how to do cluster parallel learning. If you have access to a large cluster, VW is orders of magnitude faster than any other public learning system accomplishing linear prediction. And if you are as impatient as I am, it is a real pleasure when the computers can keep up with you.

This will be recorded, so it will hopefully be available for viewing online before too long.

I hope to see you soon 🙂

Hadoop AllReduce and Terascale Learning

Suppose you have a dataset with 2 terafeatures (we only count nonzero entries in a datamatrix), and want to learn a good linear predictor in a reasonable amount of time. How do you do it? As a learning theorist, the first thing you do is pray that this is too much data for the number of parameters—but that’s not the case, there are around 16 billion examples, 16 million parameters, and people really care about a high quality predictor, so subsampling is not a good strategy.

Alekh visited us last summer, and we had a breakthrough (see here for details), coming up with the first learning algorithm I’ve seen that is provably faster than any future single machine learning algorithm. The proof of this is simple: We can output a optimal-up-to-precision linear predictor faster than the data can be streamed through the network interface of any single machine involved in the computation.

It is necessary but not sufficient to have an effective communication infrastructure. It is necessary but not sufficient to have a decent programming language, because parallel programming is hard. It is necessary but not sufficient to have a good optimization approach. The combination says “yikes”, because you need to know many things to design an effective new system.

For communication infrastructures, the two most prevalent approaches are MPI and MapReduce, both of which have substantial drawbacks for machine learning with lots of data.

  1. MPI suffers because it has no fault tolerance by default and because it has a poor understanding of where data is, implying that data must be either manually placed on local nodes, or the first step in every computation is “partition the data across the cluster” which is very undesirable from a communication complexity and programming complexity standpoint. These significantly limit the scale that you can work at to ~100 nodes in practice, because the economics of clusters make sharing unavoidable at larger scales. When the cluster is shared, preshuffling the data is awkward to impossible and you must expect that some nodes will run slower than others because they will be executing other jobs. This limitation on reliability kicks in much sooner than disk read failures or node failures.
  2. MapReduce suffers because the setup and teardown costs are significant. Measured directly, this is often on the order of a minute, associated with interacting with the scheduler and communicating the program to a large number of nodes. But indirectly, this can be radically worse, as any map-reduce job can be held in limbo while waiting for free nodes to work on. And commonly we need to execute many MapReduce iterations to achieve high quality prediction.
    MapReduce has another more subtle flaw: using it requires refactoring your code into a sequence of map and reduce operations. This is significantly annoying, because right good learning algorithms is pretty difficult in the first place. MapReduce has a third flaw: it encourages inefficient optimization paradigm. In particular, while you can phrase many learning algorithms as statistical query learning algorithms, doing so is energy inefficient, up to O(examples) in extreme cases.

Since the drawbacks of MPI and MapReduce differ, we can try to create a solution which eliminates all of drawbacks, which a Hadoop-compatible AllReduce does. Cherry picking from each we get:

  1. MPI: The Allreduce function. The starting state for AllReduce is n nodes each with a number, and the end state is all nodes having the sum of all numbers.
  2. MapReduce: Conceptual simplicity. One easy to understand function is enough.
  3. MPI: No need to refactor code. You just sprinkle allreduce in a few locations in your single machine code.
  4. MapReduce: Data locality. We just hijack the MapReduce infrastructure to execute a map-only job where each process executes on the node with the data.
  5. MPI: Ability to use local storage (or RAM). Hadoop itself gobbles large amounts of RAM by default because it uses Java. And, in any case, you don’t have an effective large scale learning algorithm if it dies every time the data on a single node exceeds available RAM. Instead, you want to create a temporary file on the local disk and allow it to be cached in RAM by the OS, if that’s possible.
  6. MapReduce: Automatic cleanup of local resources. Temporary files are automatically nuked.
  7. MPI: Fast optimization approaches remain within the conceptual scope. Allreduce, because it’s a function call, does not conceptually limit online learning approaches as discussed below. MapReduce conceptually forces statistical query style algorithms. In practice, this can be walked around, but that’s annoying.
  8. MapReduce: Robustness. We don’t captures all the robustness of MapReduce which can succeed even during a gunfight in the datacenter. But we don’t generally need that: it’s easy to use Hadoop’s speculative execution approach to deal with the slow node problem and use delayed initialization to get around all startup failures giving you something with >99% success rate on a running time reliable to within a factor of 2.

One function (all_reduce) is not a programming language. But since it’s written in C, it is easily encapsulated and added to any existing programming language giving you a complete language. To test this hypothesis, I visited Clement for a day, where we connected things to make Allreduce work in Lua twice—once with an online approach and once with an LBFGS optimization approach for convolutional neural networks. As a parallel programming paradigm, it’s amazingly easier than many other approaches, because you take your existing code and figure out which pieces of state to synchronize. It’s superior enough that I’ve now eliminated the multithreaded and parallel online learning approaches within Vowpal Wabbit. This approach is also great in terms of the amount of incremental learning required—you just need to learn one function to be able to create useful parallel machine learning algorithms. The only thing easier than learning one function is learning none, which you can do for linear prediction by just using VW. Incidentally, we designed the AllReduce code so that Hadoop is not a requirement—you just need to do a bit of extra scripting and lose some of the benefits discussed above when running this on a workstation cluster or a single machine.

You also need to get optimization approaches right. Two canonical but very different optimization algorithms are stochastic gradient descent and LBFGS. Understanding the weaknesses of these algorithm is critical even though often not discussed by their proponents. SGD approaches tend to have two drawbacks: the right choice of various hyperparameters can be annoying. We’ve mostly eliminated this drawback in VW using a learning rate that is tuned to automatically work in various ways. The other drawback is that they generally aren’t great at dealing with noise. This is tricky to deal with in general, because the algorithms only see one example at a time. Leon Bottou is working to eliminate this last drawback, but my impression is that we’re not quite there yet. LBFGS on the other hand is great at dealing with noise but suffers significantly in it’s early convergence rate where SGD is extremely effective. Again, we can combine these approaches in an obvious way: use online learning at the beginning to warmstart LBFGS to integrate out the noise. In practice, the online learning gets you 95%-99% of the way there and then LBFGS nails the last bit of performance.

For the problem I mentioned at the beginning, we can learn in about an hour using a kilonode, implying an overall throughput of 500 megafeatures/s, which is about a factor of 5 faster than any single network interface (1 gigabit/s). This is substantially greater scaling than any of the other algorithms in the Scaling up Machine Learning book (see here for a comparison).

The general area of parallel learning has grown significantly, as indicated by the Big Learning workshop at NIPS, and there are a number of very different approaches people are taking. From what I understand of all other approaches, this approach is a significant step up within it’s scope of applicability. Let’s define that scope as learning (= tuning large numbers of parameters to be simultaneously optimal on test data) from a large dataset on a cluster or datacenter. At the borders:

  1. For counting based learning algorithms such as the NLP folks sometimes use, a MapReduce approach appears superior as MapReduce is straightforwardly excellent for counting.
  2. For smaller datasets with computationally intense models, GPU approaches seem very compelling.
  3. For broadly distributed datasets (not all in one cluster), asynchronous approaches become unavoidably necessary. That’s scary in practice, because you lose the ability to debug.
  4. The model needs to fit into memory. If that’s not the case, then other approaches are required.

I also expect Hadoop Allreduce is useful across many more tasks than just machine learning. Optimization problems are an easy example, but I suspect there are a number of iterative computation problems where allreduce can be very effective. While it might appear a limited operation, you can easily do average, weighted average, max, etc… And, the scope of allreduce is also easily broadened with an arbitrary reduce function, as per MPI’s version. The Allreduce code itself is not yet native in Hadoop, so you’ll need to grab it from the VW source code which has a BSD license. I’ve been encouraged by discussions with Milind suggesting it may become native soon.

Update: CACM Crosspost.

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is perhaps my favorite holiday, because pausing your life and giving thanks provides a needed moment of perspective.

As a researcher, I am most thankful for my education, without which I could not function. I want to share this, because it provides some sense of how a researcher starts.

  1. My long term memory seems to function particularly well, which makes any education I get is particularly useful.
  2. I am naturally obsessive, which makes me chase down details until I fully understand things. Natural obsessiveness can go wrong, of course, but it’s a great ally when you absolutely must get things right.
  3. My childhood was all in one hometown, which was a conscious sacrifice on the part of my father, implying disruptions from moving around were eliminated. I’m not sure how important this was since travel has it’s own benefits, but it bears thought.
  4. I had several great teachers in grade school, and naturally gravitated towards teachers over classmates, as they seemed more interesting. I particularly remember Mr. Cox, who read Watership Down 10 minutes a day. The frustration of not getting to the ending drove me into reading books on my own, including just about every science fiction book in Lebanon Oregon.
  5. I spent a few summers picking strawberries and blueberries. It’s great motivation to not do that sort of thing for a living.
  6. Lebanon school district was willing to bend the rules for me, so I could skip unnecessary math classes. I ended up a year advanced, taking math from our local community college during senior year in high school.
  7. College applications was a very nervous time, because high quality colleges cost much more than we could reasonably expect to pay. I was very lucky to get into Caltech here. Caltech should not be thought of as a university—instead, it’s a research lab which happens to have a few undergraduate students running around. I understand from Preston that the operating budget is about 4% tuition these days. This showed in the financial aid package, where they basically let me attend for the cost of room&board. Between a few scholarships and plentiful summer research opportunities, I managed to graduate debt free. Caltech was also an exceptional place to study, because rules like “no taking two classes at the same time” were never enforced them. The only limits on what you could learn were your own.
  8. Graduate school was another big step. Here, I think Avrim must have picked out my application to Carnegie Mellon, which was a good fit for me. At the time, I knew I wanted to do research in some sort of ML/AI subject area, but not really what, so the breadth of possibilities at CMU was excellent. In graduate school, your advisor is much more important, and between Avrim and Sebastian, I learned quite a bit. The funding which made this all work out was mostly hidden from me at CMU, but there was surely a strong dependence on NSF and DARPA. Tom Siebel also directly covered my final year as as a Siebel Scholar.
  9. Figuring out what to do next was again a nervous time, but it did work out, first in a summer postdoc with Michael Kearns, then at IBM research as a Herman Goldstine Fellow, then at TTI-Chicago, and now at Yahoo! Research for the last 5 years.

My life is just one anecdote, from which it’s easy to be misled. But trying to abstract the details, it seems like the critical elements for success are a good memory, an interest in getting the details right, motivation, and huge amounts of time to learn and then to do research. Given that many of the steps in this process winnow out large fractions of people, some amount of determination and sheer luck is involved. Does the right person manage to see you as a good possibility?

But mostly I’d like to give thanks for the “huge amounts of time” which in practical terms translates into access to other smart people and funding. In education and research funding is something like oxygen—you really miss it when it’s not there, so Thanksgiving is a good time to remember it.

2011 ML symposium and the bears

The New York ML symposium was last Friday. Attendance was 268, significantly larger than last year. My impression was that the event mostly still fit the space, although it was crowded. If anyone has suggestions for next year, speak up.

The best student paper award went to Sergiu Goschin for a cool video of how his system learned to play video games (I can’t find the paper online yet). Choosing amongst the submitted talks was pretty difficult this year, as there were many similarly good ones.

By coincidence all the invited talks were (at least potentially) about faster learning algorithms. Stephen Boyd talked about ADMM. Leon Bottou spoke on single pass online learning via averaged SGD. Yoav Freund talked about parameter-free hedging. In Yoav’s case the talk was mostly about a better theoretical learning algorithm, but it has the potential to unlock an exponential computational complexity improvement via oraclization of experts algorithms… but some serious thought needs to go in this direction.

Unrelated, I found quite a bit of truth in Paul’s talking bears and Xtranormal always adds a dash of funny. My impression is that the ML job market has only become hotter since 4 years ago. Anyone who is well trained can find work, with the key limiting factor being “well trained”. In this environment, efforts to make ML more automatic and more easily applied are greatly appreciated. And yes, Yahoo! is still hiring too 🙂