Simons Institute Big Data Program

Michael Jordan sends the below:

The new Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
will begin organizing semester-long programs starting in 2013.

One of our first programs, set for Fall 2013, will be on the “Theoretical Foundations
of Big Data Analysis”. The organizers of this program are Michael Jordan (chair),
Stephen Boyd, Peter Buehlmann, Ravi Kannan, Michael Mahoney, and Muthu Muthukrishnan.

See for more information on
the program.

The Simons Institute has created a number of “Research Fellowships” for young
researchers (within at most six years of the award of their PhD) who wish to
participate in Institute programs, including the Big Data program. Individuals
who already hold postdoctoral positions or who are junior faculty are welcome
to apply, as are finishing PhDs.

Please note that the application deadline is January 15, 2013. Further details
are available at .

Mike Jordan

7th Annual Machine Learning Symposium

A reminder that the New York Academy of Sciences will be hosting the 7th Annual Machine Learning Symposium tomorrow from 9:30am.

The main program will feature invited talks from Peter BartlettWilliam Freeman, and Vladimir Vapnik, along with numerous spotlight talks and a poster session. Following the main program, hackNY and Microsoft Research are sponsoring a networking hour with talks from machine learning practitioners at NYC startups (specifically, Buzzfeed, Chartbeat, and Sense Networks, Visual Revenue). This should be of great interest to everyone considering working in machine learning.

NYAS ML 2012 and ICML 2013

The New York Machine Learning Symposium is October 19 with a 2 page abstract deadline due September 13 via email with subject “Machine Learning Poster Submission” sent to Everyone is welcome to submit. Last year’s attendance was 246 and I expect more this year.

The primary experiment for ICML 2013 is multiple paper submission deadlines with rolling review cycles. The key dates are October 1, December 15, and February 15. This is an attempt to shift ICML further towards a journal style review process and reduce peak load. The “not for proceedings” experiment from this year’s ICML is not continuing.

Edit: Fixed second ICML deadline.