By Shie and Nati

Following John’s advertisement for submitting to ICML, we thought it appropriate to highlight the advantages of COLT, and the reasons it is often the best place for theory papers. We would like to emphasize that we both respect ICML, and are active in ICML, both as authors and as area chairs, and certainly are not arguing that ICML is a bad place for your papers. For many papers, ICML is the best venue. But for many theory papers, COLT is a better and more appropriate place.

Why should you submit to COLT?

By-and-large, theory papers go to COLT. This is the tradition of the field and most theory papers are sent to COLT. This is the place to present your ground-breaking theorems and new models that will shape the theory of machine learning. COLT is more focused then ICML with a single track session. Unlike ICML, the norm in COLT is for people to sit through most sessions, and hear most of the talks presented. There is also often a lively discussion following paper presentations. If you want theory people to know of your work, you should submit to COLT.

Additionally, this year COLT and ICML are tightly co-located, with joint plenary sessions (i.e. some COLT papers will be presented in a plenary session to the entire combined COLT/ICML audience, as will some ICML papers), and many other opportunities for exposure to the wider ICML audience. And so, by submitting to COLT, you have the potential of reaching both the captive theory audience at COLT and the wider ML audience at ICML.

The advantages of sending to COLT:

  1. Rigorous review process.

    The COLT program committee is comprised entirely of established, mostly fairly senior, researchers. Program committee members read and review papers themselves, or potentially use a sub-reviewer that they know personally and carefully select for the paper, but still check and maintain responsibility for the review. Your paper will get reviewed by at least three program committee members, who will likely be experts on the topics covered by the paper. This is in contrast to ICML (and most other ML conferences) were area chairs (of similar seniority to the COLT program committee) only manage the review process, but reviewers are assigned based on load-balancing considerations and the primary reviewing is done by a very wide set of reviewers, frequently students, who are often not the most relevant experts.

    COLT reviews are typically detailed and technical details are checked. The reviewing process is less rushed and program committee members (and sub-reviewers were appropriate) are expected to do a careful job on each and every paper.

    All papers are then discussed by the program committee, and there is generally significant and meaningful discussions on papers. This also means the COLT reviewing process is far from having a “single point of failure”, as the paper will be carefully considered and argued for by multiple (senior) program committee members. We believe this yields a more consistently high quality program, with much less randomness in the paper selection process, which in turn translates to high respect for accepted COLT papers.

  2. COLT is not double blind, but also not exactly single blind. Program committee members have access to the author identities (as do area chairs in ICML), as this is essential in order to select sub-reviewers. However, the author names do not appear on the papers, both in order to reduce the effect of first impressions, and to allow program committee members to utilize reviewers who are truly blind to the author’s identities.

    It should be noted that the COLT anonimization guidelines are a bit more relaxed, which we hope makes it easier to create an anonimized version for conference submission (authors are still allowed to, and even encouraged, to post their papers online, with their names on them of course).

  3. COLT does not have a dedicated rebuttal phase. Frankly, with the higher quality, less random, reviews, we feel it is not needed, and the hassle to authors and program committee members is not worth it. However, the tradition in COLT, which we plan to follow, is to contact authors as needed during the review and discussion process to ask for clarification on issues that came up during review. In particular, if a concern is raised on the soundness or other technical aspect of a paper, the authors will be contacted to give them a chance to set things straight. But no, there is no generic author response where authors can argue and plead for acceptance.

Why ICML? and the summer conferences

Here’s a quick reference for summer ML-related conferences sorted by due date:

Conference Due date Location Reviewing
KDD Feb 10 August 12-16, Beijing, China Single Blind
COLT Feb 14 June 25-June 27, Edinburgh, Scotland Single Blind? (historically)
ICML Feb 24 June 26-July 1, Edinburgh, Scotland Double Blind, author response, zero SPOF
UAI March 30 August 15-17, Catalina Islands, California Double Blind, author response

Geographically, this is greatly dispersed and the UAI/KDD conflict is unfortunate.

Machine Learning conferences are triannual now, between NIPS, AIStat, and ICML. This has not always been the case: the academic default is annual summer conferences, then NIPS started with a December conference, and now AIStat has grown into an April conference.

However, the first claim is not quite correct. NIPS and AIStat have few competing venues while ICML implicitly competes with many other conferences accepting machine learning related papers. Since Joelle and I are taking a turn as program chairs this year, I want to make explicit the case for ICML.

  1. COLT was historically a conference for learning-interested Computer Science theory people. Every COLT paper has a theorem, and few have experimental results. A significant subset of COLT papers could easily be published at ICML instead. ICML now has a significant theory community, including many pure theory papers and significant overlap with COLT attendees. Good candidates for an ICML submission are learning theory papers motivated by real machine learning problems (example: the agnostic active learning paper) or which propose and analyze new plausibly useful algorithms (example: the adaptive gradient papers). If you find yourself tempted to add empirical experiments to prove the point that your theory really works, ICML sounds like an excellent fit. Not everything is a good fit though—papers motivated by definitional aesthetics or tradition (Valiant style PAC learning comes to mind) may not be appreciated.

    There are two significant advantages to ICML over COLT. One is that ICML provides a potentially much larger audience which appreciates and uses your work. That’s substantially less relevant this year, because ICML and COLT are colocating and we are carefully designing joint sessions for the overlap day.

    The other is that ICML is committed to fair reviewing—papers are double blind so reviewers are not forced to take into account the author identity. Plenty of people will argue that author names don’t matter to them, but I’ve personally seen several cases as a reviewer where author identity affected the decision, typically towards favoring insiders or bigwigs at theory conferences as common sense would suggest. The double blind aspect of ICML reviewing is an open invitation to outsiders to submit to ICML.

  2. Many UAI papers could easily go to ICML because they are explicitly about machine learning or connections with machine learning. For example, pure prediction markets are a stretch for ICML, but connections between machine learning and prediction markets, which seem to come up in multiple ways, are a good fit. Bernhard‘s lab has done quite a bit of work on extracting causality from prediction complexity which could easily interest people at ICML. I’ve personally found some work on representations for learning algorithms, such as sum-product networks of first class interest. UAI has a definite subcommunity of hardcore Bayesians which is less evident at ICML. ICML as a community seems more pragmatist w.r.t. Bayesian methods: if they work well, that’s good. Of the comparators here, UAI seems the most similar in orientation to ICML to me.

    ICML provides a significantly larger potential audience and, due to it’s size, tends to be more diverse.

  3. KDD is a large conference (a bit larger than ICML by attendance) which, as I understand it, initially started from the viewpoint of database people trying to do interesting things with the data they had. The conference is generally one step more commercial/industrial than ICML. Significant parts of the academic track are about machine learning technology and could have been submitted to ICML instead. I was impressed by the double robust sampling work and the out of core learning paper is cool. And, I often enjoy the differential privacy in learning work. KDD attendees tends to be very pragmatic about what works, which is reinforced by yearly prediction challenges. I appreciate this viewpoint quite a bit.

    KDD doesn’t do double blind review, which was discussed above. To me, a more significant drawback of KDD is the ACM paywall. I was burned by this last summer. We decided to do a large scale learning survey based on the SUML compendium at KDD, but discovered too late that the video would be stuck behind the paywall, unlike our learning with exploration tutorial the year before. As I understand it, the year before ACM made them pay twice: once to videolectures and once to ACM, which was understandably judged unsustainable. The paywall is particularly rough for students who are not well-established, because it substantially limits their potential audience.

    This is not a problem at ICML 2012. Every prepared presentation will be videotaped and we will have every paper easily and publicly accessible along with it. The effort you put into the presentation will payoff over hundreds or thousands of additional online views.

  4. Area conferences. There are many other conferences which I think of as adjacent area conferences, including AAAI, ACL, SIGIR, CVPR and WWW which I have not attended enough or recently enough to make a real comparison with. Nevertheless, in each of these conferences, machine learning is a common technology. And sometimes new forms of machine learning technology are developed. Depending on many circumstances, ICML might be a good candidate for a place to send a paper on a new empirically useful piece of machine learning technology. Or not—the circumstances matter hugely.

Machine Learning has grown radically and gone industrial over the last decade, providing plenty of motivation for a conference on developing new core machine learning technology. Indeed, it is because of the power of ML that so much overlap exists. In most cases, the best place to send a paper is to the conference where it will be most appreciated. But, there is a real sense in which you create the community by participating in it. So, when the choice is unclear, sending the paper to a conference designed simultaneously for fair high quality reviewing and broad distribution of your work is a good call as it provides the most meaningful acceptance. For machine learning, that conference is ICML. Details of the ICML plan this year are here. We are on track.

As always, comments are welcome.

ML Symposium and ICML details

Everyone should have received notice for NY ML Symposium abstracts. Check carefully, as one was lost by our system.

The event itself is October 21, next week. Leon Bottou, Stephen Boyd, and Yoav Freund are giving the invited talks this year, and there are many spotlights on local work spread throughout the day. Chris Wiggins has setup 6(!) ML-interested startups to follow the symposium, which should be of substantial interest to the employment interested.

I also wanted to give an update on ICML 2012. Unlike last year, our deadline is coordinated with AIStat (which is due this Friday). The paper deadline for ICML has been pushed back to February 24 which should allow significant time for finishing up papers after the winter break. Other details may interest people as well:

  1. We settled on using CMT after checking out the possibilities. I wasn’t looking for this, because I’ve often found CMT clunky in terms of easy access to the right information. Nevertheless, the breadth of features and willingness to support new/better approaches to reviewing was unrivaled. We are also coordinating with Laurent, Rich, and CMT to enable their paper/reviewer recommendation system. The outcome should be a standardized interface in CMT for any recommendation system, which others can then code to if interested.
  2. Area chairs have been picked. The list isn’t sacred, so if we discover significant holes in expertise we’ll deal with it. We expect to start inviting PC members in a little while. Right now, we’re looking into invited talks. If you have any really good suggestions, they could be considered.
  3. CCC is interested in sponsoring travel costs for any climate/environment related ML papers, which seems great to us. In general, this seems like an area of growing interest.
  4. We now have a permanent server and the beginnings of the permanent website setup. Much more work needs to be done here.
  5. We haven’t settled yet on how videos will work. Last year, ICML experimented with Weyond with results here. Previously, ICML had used videolectures, which is significantly more expensive. If you have an opinion about cost/quality tradeoffs or other options, speak up.
  6. Plans for COLT have shifted slightly—COLT will start a day early, overlap with tutorials, then overlap with a coordinated first day of ICML conference papers.

KDD and MUCMD 2011

At KDD I enjoyed Stephen Boyd‘s invited talk about optimization quite a bit. However, the most interesting talk for me was David Haussler‘s. His talk started out with a formidable load of biological complexity. About half-way through you start wondering, “can this be used to help with cancer?” And at the end he connects it directly to use with a call to arms for the audience: cure cancer. The core thesis here is that cancer is a complex set of diseases which can be distentangled via genetic assays, allowing attacking the specific signature of individual cancers. However, the data quantity and complex dependencies within the data require systematic and relatively automatic prediction and analysis algorithms of the kind that we are best familiar with.

Some of the papers which interested me are:

  1. Kai-Wei Chang and Dan Roth, Selective Block Minimization for Faster Convergence of Limited Memory Large-Scale Linear Models, which is about effectively using a hard-example cache to speedup learning.
  2. Leland Wilkinson, Anushka Anand, and Dang Nhon Tuan, CHIRP: A New Classifier Based on Composite Hypercubes on Iterated Random Projections. The bar on creating new classifiers is pretty high. The approach here uses a combination of random projection and partition which appears to be compelling for some nonlinear and relatively high computation settings. They do a more thorough empirical evaluation than most papers.
  3. Zhuang Wang, Nemanja Djuric, Koby Crammer, and Slobodan Vucetic Trading Representability for Scalability: Adaptive Multi-Hyperplane Machine for Nonlinear Classification. The paper explores an interesting idea: having lots of weight vectors (effectively infinity) associated with a particular label, showing that algorithms on this representation can deal with lots of data as per linear predictors, but with superior-to-linear performance. The authors don’t use the hashing trick, but their representation is begging for it.
  4. Michael Bruckner and Tobias Scheffer, Stackelberg Games for Adversarial Prediction Problem. This is about email spam filtering, where the authors use a theory of adversarial equilibria to construct a more robust filter, at least in some cases. Demonstrating this on noninteractive data is inherently difficult.

There were also three papers that were about creating (or perhaps composing) learning systems to do something cool.

  1. Gideon Dror, Yehuda Koren, Yoelle Maarek, and Idan Szpektor, I Want to Answer, Who Has a Question? Yahoo! Answers Recommender System. This is about how to learn to route a question to the appropriate answerer automatically.
  2. Yehuda Koren, Edo Liberty, Yoelle Maarek, and Roman Sandler, Automatically Tagging Email by Leveraging Other Users’ Folders. This is about helping people organize their email with machine learning.
  3. D. Sculley, Matthew Eric Otey, Michael Pohl, Bridget Spitznagel, John Hainsworth, Yunkai Zhou, Detecting Adversarial Advertisements in the Wild. The title is an excellent abstract here, and there are quite a few details about the implementation.

I also attended MUCMD, a workshop on the Meaningful Use of Complex Medical Data shortly afterwards. This workshop is about the emergent area of using data to improve medicine. The combination of electronic health records, the economic importance of getting medicine right, and the relatively weak use of existing data implies there is much good work to do.

This finally gave us a chance to discuss radically superior medical trial designs based on work in exploration and learning 🙂

Jeff Hammerbacher‘s talk was a hilarilously blunt and well stated monologue about the need and how to gather data in a usable way.

Amongst the talks on using medical data, Suchi Saria‘s seemed the most mature. They’ve constructed a noninvasive test for problem infants which is radically superior to the existing Apgar score according to leave-one-out cross validation.

From the doctor’s side, there was discussion of the deep balkanization of data systems within hospitals, efforts to overcome that, and the (un)trustworthiness of data. Many issues clearly remain here, but it also looks like serious progress is being made.

Overall, the workshop went well, with the broad cross-section of talks providing quite a bit of extra context you don’t normally see. It left me believing that a community centered on MUCMD is rising now, with attendant workshops, conferences, etc… to be expected.

Fall Machine Learning Events

Many Machine Learning related events are coming up this fall.

  1. September 9, abstracts for the New York Machine Learning Symposium are due. Send a 2 page pdf, if interested, and note that we:
    1. widened submissions to be from anybody rather than students.
    2. set aside a larger fraction of time for contributed submissions.
  2. September 15, there is a machine learning meetup, where I’ll be discussing terascale learning at AOL.
  3. September 16, there is a CS&Econ day at New York Academy of Sciences. This is not ML focused, but it’s easy to imagine interest.
  4. September 23 and later NIPS workshop submissions start coming due. As usual, there are too many good ones, so I won’t be able to attend all those that interest me. I do hope some workshop makers consider ICML this coming summer, as we are increasing to a 2 day format for you. Here are a few that interest me:
    1. Big Learning is about dealing with lots of data. Abstracts are due September 30.
    2. The Bayes Bandits workshop. Abstracts are due September 23.
    3. The Personalized Medicine workshop
    4. The Learning Semantics workshop. Abstracts are due September 26.
    5. The ML Relations workshop. Abstracts are due September 30.
    6. The Hierarchical Learning workshop. Challenge submissions are due October 17, and abstracts are due October 21.
    7. The Computational Tradeoffs workshop. Abstracts are due October 17.
    8. The Model Selection workshop. Abstracts are due September 24.
  5. October 16-17 is the Singularity Summit in New York. This is for the AIists and only peripherally about ML.
  6. October 16-21 is a Predictive Analytics World in New York. As machine learning goes industrial, we see industrial-style conferences rapidly developing.
  7. October 21, there is the New York ML Symposium. In addition to what’s there, Chris Wiggins is looking into setting up a session for startups and those interested in them to get to know each other, as last year.
  8. Decembr 16-17 NIPS workshops in Granada, Spain.