More Presentation Preparation

We’ve discussed presentation preparation before, but I have one more thing to add: transitioning. For a research presentation, it is substantially helpful for the audience if transitions are clear. A common outline for a research presentation in machine leanring is:

  1. The problem. Presentations which don’t describe the problem almost immediately lose people, because the context is missing to understand the detail.
  2. Prior relevant work. In many cases, a paper builds on some previous bit of work which must be understood in order to understand what the paper does. A common failure mode seems to be spending too much time on prior work. Discuss just the relevant aspects of prior work in the language of your work. Sometimes this is missing when unneeded.
  3. What we did. For theory papers in particular, it is often not possible to really cover the details. Prioritizing what you present can be very important.
  4. How it worked. Many papers in Machine Learning have some sort of experimental test of the algorithm. Sometimes this is missing when the work is theoretical.

What seems to often happen, is that there is no transitioning in the presentation. This can happen in one of two ways:

  1. Content Confusion. Sometimes the problem description is merged into (2), and (3). Sometimes (2) and (3) are merged. When this happens, it can be very difficult to follow. The solution is to rewrite to isolate the presentation components.
  2. Untransition. Sometimes the presentation does have a reasonable structure as above, but there are just no transitions in the delivery, creating apparent content confusion. This is easy to fix. An approach I often use is to just have an outline slide with the next subject highlighted between pieces of the transition. The delivery of the presentation can also handle this well. For example, have an extra long pause after stating the problem and check to see if the audience has questions.

Proprietary Data in Academic Research?

Should results of experiments on proprietary datasets be in the academic research literature?

The arguments I can imagine in the “against” column are:

  1. Experiments are not repeatable. Repeatability in experiments is essential to science because it allows others to compare new methods with old and discover which is better.
  2. It’s unfair. Academics who don’t have insider access to proprietary data are at a substantial disadvantage when competing with others who do.

I’m unsympathetic to argument (2). To me, it looks like their are simply some resource constraints, and these should not prevent research progress. For example, we wouldn’t prevent publishing about particle accelerator experiments by physicists at CERN because physicists at CMU couldn’t run their own experiments.

Argument (1) seems like a real issue.

The argument for is:

  1. Yes, they are another form of evidence that an algorithm is good. The degree to which they are evidence is less than for publicly repeatable experiments, but greater than nothing.
  2. What if research can only be done in a proprietary setting? It has to be good for society at large to know what works.
  3. Consider the game theory perspective. For example, suppose ICML decides to reject all papers with experiments on proprietary datasets. And suppose KDD decides to consider them as weak evidence. The long term result may be that beginning research on new topics which is only really doable in companies starts and then grows at KDD.

I consider the arguments for to be stronger than the arguments against, but I’m aware others have other beliefs. I think it would be good to have a policy statement from machine learning conferences in their call for papers, as trends suggest this becoming a more serious problem in the mid-term future.

ICML has a comment system

Mark Reid has stepped up and created a comment system for ICML papers which Greger Linden has tightly integrated.

My understanding is that Mark spent quite a bit of time on the details, and there are some cool features like working latex math mode. This is an excellent chance for the ICML community to experiment with making ICML year-round, so I hope it works out. Please do consider experimenting with it.

The Minimum Sample Complexity of Importance Weighting

This post is about a trick that I learned from Dale Schuurmans which has been repeatedly useful for me over time.

The basic trick has to do with importance weighting for monte carlo integration. Consider the problem of finding:
N = Ex ~ D f(x)
given samples from D and knowledge of f.

Often, we don’t have samples from D available. Instead, we must make do with samples from some other distribution Q. In that case, we can still often solve the problem, as long as Q(x) isn’t 0 when D(x) is nonzero, using the importance weighting formula:
Ex ~ Q f(x) D(x)/Q(x)

A basic question is: How many samples from Q are required in order to estimate N to some precision? In general the convergence rate is not bounded, because f(x) D(x)/Q(x) is not bounded given the assumptions.
Nevertheless, there is one special value Q(x) = f(x) D(x) / N where the sample complexity turns out to be 1, which is typically substantially better than the sample complexity of the original problem.

This observation underlies the motivation for voluntary importance weighting algorithms. Even under pretty terrible approximations, the logic of “Q(x) is something like f(x) D(x)” often yields substantial improvements over sampling directly from D(x).

Inappropriate Mathematics for Machine Learning

Reviewers and students are sometimes greatly concerned by the distinction between:

  1. An open set and a closed set.
  2. A Supremum and a Maximum.
  3. An event which happens with probability 1 and an event that always happens.

I don’t appreciate this distinction in machine learning & learning theory. All machine learning takes place (by definition) on a machine where every parameter has finite precision. Consequently, every set is closed, a maximal element always exists, and probability 1 events always happen.

The fundamental issue here is that substantial parts of mathematics don’t appear well-matched to computation in the physical world, because the mathematics has concerns which are unphysical. This mismatched mathematics makes irrelevant distinctions. We can ask “what mathematics is appropriate to computation?” Andrej has convinced me that a pretty good answer to this question is constructive mathematics.

So, here’s a basic challenge: Can anyone name a situation where any of the distinctions above (or similar distinctions) matter in machine learning?