The Large Scale Learning Survey Tutorial

Ron Bekkerman initiated an effort to create an edited book on parallel machine learning that Misha and I have been helping with. The breadth of efforts to parallelize machine learning surprised me: I was only aware of a small fraction initially.

This put us in a unique position, with knowledge of a wide array of different efforts, so it is natural to put together a survey tutorial on the subject of parallel learning for KDD, tomorrow. This tutorial is not limited to the book itself however, as several interesting new algorithms have come out since we started inviting chapters.

This tutorial should interest anyone trying to use machine learning on significant quantities of data, anyone interested in developing algorithms for such, and of course who has bragging rights to the fastest learning algorithm on planet earth 🙂

(Also note the Modeling with Hadoop tutorial just before ours which deals with one way of trying to speed up learning algorithms. We have almost no overlap.)

Interesting thing at UAI 2011

I had a chance to attend UAI this year, where several papers interested me, including:

  1. Hoifung Poon and Pedro Domingos Sum-Product Networks: A New Deep Architecture. We’ve already discussed this one, but in a nutshell, they identify a large class of efficiently normalizable distributions and do learning with it.
  2. Yao-Liang Yu and Dale Schuurmans, Rank/norm regularization with closed-form solutions: Application to subspace clustering. This paper is about matrices, and in particular they prove that certain matrices are the solution of matrix optimizations. I’m not matrix inclined enough to fully appreciate this one, but I believe many others may be, and anytime closed form solutions come into play, you get 2 order of magnitude speedups, as they show experimentally.
  3. Laurent Charlin, Richard Zemel and Craig Boutilier, A Framework for Optimizing Paper Matching. This is about what works in matching papers to reviewers, as has been tested at several previous NIPS. We are looking into using this system for ICML 2012.

In addition I wanted to comment on Karl Friston‘s invited talk. At the outset, he made a claim that seems outlandish to me: The way the brain works is to minimize surprise as measured by a probabilistic model. The majority of the talk was not actually about this—instead it was about how probabilistic models can plausibly do things that you might not have thought possible, such as birdsong. Nevertheless, I think several of us in the room ended up stuck on the claim in questions afterward.

My personal belief is that world modeling (probabilistic or not) is a useful subroutine for intelligence, but it could not possibly be the entirety of intelligence. A key reason for this is the bandwidth of our senses—we simply take in too much information to model everything with equal attention. It seems critical for the efficient functioning of intelligence that only things which might plausibly matter are modeled, and only to the degree that matters. In other words, I do not model the precise placement of items on my desk, or even the precise content of my desk, because these details simply do not matter.

This argument can be made in another way. Suppose for the moment that all the brain does is probabilistic modeling. Then, the primary notion of failure to model is “surprise”, which is low probability events occurring. Surprises (stumbles, car wrecks, and other accidents) certainly can be unpleasant, but this could be correct if modeling is a subroutine as well. The clincher is that there are many unpleasant things which are not surprises, including keeping your head under water, fasting, and self-inflicted wounds.

Accounting for the unpleasantness of these events requires more than probabilistic modeling. In other words, it requires rewards, which is why reinforcement learning is important. As a byproduct, rewards also naturally create a focus of attention, addressing the computational efficiency issue. Believing that intelligence is just probabilistic modeling is another example of simple wrong answer.

ICML 2011 and the future

Unfortunately, I ended up sick for much of this ICML. I did manage to catch one interesting paper:

Richard Socher, Cliff Lin, Andrew Y. Ng, and Christopher D. Manning Parsing Natural Scenes and Natural Language with Recursive Neural Networks.

I invited Richard to share his list of interesting papers, so hopefully we’ll hear from him soon. In the meantime, Paul and Hal have posted some lists.

the future

Joelle and I are program chairs for ICML 2012 in Edinburgh, which I previously enjoyed visiting in 2005. This is a huge responsibility, that we hope to accomplish well. A part of this (perhaps the most fun part), is imagining how we can make ICML better. A key and critical constraint is choosing things that can be accomplished. So far we have:

  1. Colocation. The first thing we looked into was potential colocations. We quickly discovered that many other conferences precomitted their location. For the future, getting a colocation with ACL or SIGIR, seems to require more advanced planning. If that can be done, I believe there is substantial interest—I understand there was substantial interest in the joint symposium this year. What we did manage was achieving a colocation with COLT and there is an outside chance that a machine learning summer school will precede the main conference. The colocation with COLT is in both time and space, with COLT organized as (essentially) a separate track in a nearby building. We look forward to organizing a joint invited session or two with the COLT program chairs.
  2. Tutorials. We don’t have anything imaginative here, except for pushing for quality tutorials, probably through a mixture of invitations and a call. There is a small chance we’ll be able to organize a machine learning summer school as a prequel, which would be quite cool, but several things have to break right for this to occur.
  3. Conference. We are considering a few tinkerings with the conference format.
    1. Shifting a conference banquet to be during the workshops, more tightly integrating the workshops.
    2. Having 3 nights of posters (1 per day) rather than 2 nights. This provides more time/poster, and avoids halving talks and posters appear on different days.
    3. Having impromptu sessions in the evening. Two possibilities here are impromptu talks and perhaps a joint open problems session with COLT. I’ve made sure we have rooms available so others can organize other things.
    4. We may go for short presentations (+ a poster) for some papers, depending on how things work out schedulewise. My opinions on this are complex. ICML is traditionally multitrack with all papers having a 25 minute-ish presentation. As a mechanism for research, I believe this is superior to a single track conference of a similar size because:
      1. Typically some talk of potential interest can always be found by participants avoiding the boredom problem which comes up at a single track conference
      2. My experience is that program organizers have a limited ability to foresee which talks are of most interest, commonly creating a misallocation of attention.

      On the other hand, there are clearly limits to the number of tracks that are reasonable, and I feel like ICML (especially with COLT cotimed) is near the upper limit. There are also some papers which have a limited scope of interest, for which a shorter presentation is reasonable.

  4. Workshops. A big change here—we want to experiment with 2 days of workshops rather than 1. There seems to be demand for it, as the number of workshops historically is about 10, enough that it’s easy to imagine people commonly interested in 2 workshops. It’s also the case that NIPS has had to start rejecting a substantial fraction of workshop submissions for space reasons. I am personally a big believer in workshops as a mechanism for further research, so I hope this works out well.
  5. Journal integration. I tend to believe that we should be shifting to a journal format for ICML papers, as per many past discussions. After thinking about this the easiest way seems to be simply piggybacking on existing journals such as JMLR and MLJ by essentially declaring that people could submit there first, and if accepted, and not otherwise presented at a conference, present at ICML. This was considered too large a change, so it is not happening. Nevertheless, it is a possible tweak that I believe should be considered for the future. My best guess is that this would never displace the baseline conference review process, but it would help some papers that don’t naturally fit into a conference format while keeping quality high.
  6. Reviewing. Drawing on plentiful experience with what goes wrong, I think we can create the best reviewing system for conferences. We are still debating exact details here while working through what is possible in different conference systems. Nevertheless, some basic goals are:
    1. Double Blind [routine now] Two identical papers with different authors should have the same chance of success. In terms of reviewing quality, I think double blind makes little difference in the short term, but the public commitment to fair reviewing makes a real difference in the long term.
    2. Author Feedback [routine now] Author feedback makes a difference in only a small minority of decisions, but I believe its effect is larger as (a) reviewer quality improves and (b) reviewer understanding improves. Both of these are silent improvers of quality. Somewhat less routine, we are seeking a mechanism for authors to be able to provide feedback if additional reviews are requested, as I’ve become cautious of the late-breaking highly negative review.
    3. Paper Editing. Geoff Gordon tweaked AIStats this year to allow authors to revise papers during feedback. I think this is helpful, because it encourages authors to fix clarity issues immediately, rather than waiting longer. This helps with some things, but it is not a panacea—authors still have to convince reviewers their paper is worthwhile, and given the way people are first impressions are lasting impressions.
    4. Multisource reviewing. We want all of the initial reviews to be assigned by good yet different mechanisms. In the past, I’ve observed that the source of reviewer assignments can greatly bias the decision outcome, all the way from “accept with minor revisions” to “reject” in the case of a JMLR submission that I had. Our plan at the moment is that one review will be assigned by bidding, one by a primary area chair, and one by a secondary area chair.
    5. No single points of failure. When Bob Williamson and I were PC members for learning theory at NIPS, we each came to a decisions given reviews and then reconciled differences. This made a difference on about 5-10% of decisions, and (I believe) improved overall quality a bit. More generally, I’ve seen instances where an area chair has an unjustifiable dislike for a paper and kills it off, which this mechanism avoids.
    6. Speed. In general, I believe speed and good decision making are antagonistic. Nevertheless, we believe it is important to try to do the reviewing both quickly and well. Doing things quickly implies that we can push the submission deadline back later, providing authors more time to make quality papers. Key elements of doing things well fast are: good organization (that’s all on us), light loads for everyone involved (i.e. not too many papers), crowd sourcing (i.e. most decisions made by area chairs), and some amount of asynchrony. Altogether, we believe at the moment that two weeks can be shaved from our reviewing process.
  7. Website. Traditionally at ICML, every new local organizer was responsible for creating a website. This doesn’t make sense anymore, because substantial work is required there, which can and should be amortized across the years so that the website can evolve to do more for the community. We plant to create a permanent website, based around some combination of and I think this just makes sense.
  8. Publishing. We are thinking about strongly encouraging authors to use arxiv for final submissions. This provides a lasting backing store for ICML papers, as well as a mechanism for revisions. The reality here is that some mistakes get into even final drafts, so a way to revise for the long term is helpful. We are also planning to videotape and make available all talks, although a decision between videolectures and Weyond has not yet been made.

Implementing all the changes above is ambitious, but I believe feasible and that each is individually beneficial and to some extent individually evaluatable. I’d like to hear any thoughts you have on this. It’s also not too late if you have further suggestions of your own.

A paper not at Snowbird

Unfortunately, a scheduling failure meant I missed all of AIStat and most of the learning workshop, otherwise known as Snowbird, when it’s at Snowbird.

At snowbird, the talk on Sum-Product networks by Hoifung Poon stood out to me (Pedro Domingos is a coauthor.). The basic point was that by appropriately constructing networks based on sums and products, the normalization problem in probabilistic models is eliminated, yielding a highly tractable yet flexible representation+learning algorithm. As an algorithm, this is noticeably cleaner than deep belief networks with a claim to being an order of magnitude faster and working better on an image completion task.

Snowbird doesn’t have real papers—just the abstract above. I look forward to seeing the paper. (added: Rodrigo points out the deep learning workshop draft.)