Best Practices for Collaboration

Many people, especially students, haven’t had an opportunity to collaborate with other researchers. Collaboration, especially with remote people can be tricky. Here are some observations of what has worked for me on collaborations involving a few people.

  1. Travel and Discuss Almost all collaborations start with in-person discussion. This implies that travel is often necessary. We can hope that in the future we’ll have better systems for starting collaborations remotely (such as blogs), but we aren’t quite there yet.
  2. Enable your collaborator. A collaboration can fall apart because one collaborator disables another. This sounds stupid (and it is), but it’s far easier than you might think.
    1. Avoid Duplication. Discovering that you and a collaborator have been editing the same thing and now need to waste time reconciling changes is annoying. The best way to avoid this to be explicit about who has write permission to what. Most of the time, a write lock is held for the entire document, just to be sure.
    2. Don’t keep the write lock unnecessarily. Some people are perfectionists so they have a real problem giving up the write lock on a draft until it is perfect. This prevents other collaborators from doing things. Releasing write lock (at least) when you sleep, is a good idea.
    3. Send all necessary materials. Some people try to save space or bandwidth by not passing ‘.bib’ files or other auxiliary components. Forcing your collaborator to deal with the missing subdocument problem is disabling. Space and bandwidth are cheap while your collaborators time is precious. (Sending may be pass-by-reference rather than attach-to-message in most cases.)
    4. Version Control. This doesn’t mean “use version control software”, although that’s fine. Instead, it means: have a version number for drafts passed back and forth. This means you can talk about “draft 3” rather than “the draft that was passed last tuesday”. Coupled with “send all necessary materials”, this implies that you naturally backup previous work.
  3. Be Generous. It’s common for people to feel insecure about what they have done or how much “credit” they should get.
    1. Coauthor standing. When deciding who should have a chance to be a coauthor, the rule should be “anyone who has helped produce a result conditioned on previous work”. “Helped produce” is often interpreted too narrowly—a theoretician should be generous about crediting experimental results and vice-versa. Potential coauthors may decline (and senior ones often do so). Control over who is a coauthor is best (and most naturally) exercised by the choice of who you talk to.
    2. Author ordering. Author ordering is the wrong thing to worry about, so don’t. The CS theory community has a substantial advantage here because they default to alpha-by-author ordering, as is understood by everyone.
    3. Who presents. A good default for presentations at a conference is “student presents” (or suitable generalizations). This gives young people a real chance to get involved and learn how things are done. Senior collaborators already have plentiful alternative methods to present research at workshops or invited talks.
  4. Communicate by default Not cc’ing a collaborator is a bad idea. Even if you have a very specific question for one collaborator and not another, it’s a good idea to cc everyone. In the worst case, this is a few-second annoyance for the other collaborator. In the best case, the exchange answers unasked questions. This also prevents “conversation shifts into subjects interesting to everyone, but oops! you weren’t cced” problem.

These practices are imperfectly followed even by me, but they are a good ideal to strive for.

Interesting Papers at NIPS 2006

Here are some papers that I found surprisingly interesting.

  1. Yoshua Bengio, Pascal Lamblin, Dan Popovici, Hugo Larochelle, Greedy Layer-wise Training of Deep Networks. Empirically investigates some of the design choices behind deep belief networks.
  2. Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Alan Yuille Unsupervised Learning of a Probabilistic Grammar for Object Detection and Parsing. An unsupervised method for detecting objects using simple feature filters that works remarkably well on the (supervised) caltech-101 dataset.
  3. Shai Ben-David, John Blitzer, Koby Crammer, and Fernando Pereira, Analysis of Representations for Domain Adaptation. This is the first analysis I’ve seen of learning with respect to samples drawn differently from the evaluation distribution which depends on reasonable measurable quantities.

All of these papers turn out to have a common theme—the power of unlabeled data to do generically useful things.

Incentive Compatible Reviewing

Reviewing is a fairly formal process which is integral to the way academia is run. Given this integral nature, the quality of reviewing is often frustrating. I’ve seen plenty of examples of false statements, misbeliefs, reading what isn’t written, etc…, and I’m sure many other people have as well.

Recently, mechanisms like double blind review and author feedback have been introduced to try to make the process more fair and accurate in many machine learning (and related) conferences. My personal experience is that these mechanisms help, especially the author feedback. Nevertheless, some problems remain.

The game theory take on reviewing is that the incentive for truthful reviewing isn’t there. Since reviewers are also authors, there are sometimes perverse incentives created and acted upon. (Incidentially, these incentives can be both positive and negative.)

Setting up a truthful reviewing system is tricky because their is no final reference truth available in any acceptable (say: subyear) timespan. There are several ways we could try to get around this.

  1. We could try to engineer new mechanisms for finding a reference truth into a conference and then use a ‘proper scoring rule’ which is incentive compatible. For example, we could have a survey where conference participants short list the papers which interested them. There are significant problems here:
    1. Conference presentations mostly function as announcements of results. Consequently, the understanding of the paper at the conference is not nearly as deep as, say, after reading through it carefully in a reading group.
    2. This is inherently useless for judging reviews of rejected papers and it is highly biased for judging reviews of papers presented in two different formats (say, a poster versus an oral presentation).
  2. We could ignore the time issue and try to measure reviewer performance based upon (say) long term citation count. Aside from the bias problems above, there is also a huge problem associated with turnover. Who the reviewers are and how an individual reviewer reviews may change drastically in just a 5 year timespan. A system which can provide track records for only a small subset of current reviewers isn’t very capable.
  3. We could try to manufacture an incentive compatible system even when the truth is never known. This paper by Nolan Miller, Paul Resnick, and Richard Zeckhauser discusses the feasibility of this approach. Essentially, the scheme works by rewarding reviewer i according to a proper scoring rule applied to P(reviewer j’s score | reviewer i’s score). (A simple example of a proper scoring rule is log[P()].) This is approach is pretty fresh, so there are lots of problems, some of which may or may not be fundamental difficulties for application in practice. The significant problem I see is that this mechanism may reward joint agreement instead of a good contribution towards good joint decision making.

None of these mechanisms are perfect, but they may each yield a little bit of information about what was or was not a good decision over time. Combining these sources of information to create some reviewer judgement system may yield another small improvement in the reviewing process.

The important thing to remember is that we are the reviewers as well as the authors. Are we interested in tracking our reviewing performance over time in order to make better judgements? Such tracking often happens on an anecdotal or personal basis, but shifting to an automated incentive compatible system would be a big change in scope.

Two more UAI papers of interest

In addition to Ed Snelson’s paper, there were (at least) two other papers that caught my eye at UAI.

One was this paper by Sanjoy Dasgupta, Daniel Hsu and Nakul Verma at UCSD which shows in a surprisingly general and strong way that almost all linear projections of any jointly distributed vector random variable with finite first and second moments look sphereical and unimodal (in fact look like a scale mixture of Gaussians). Great result, as you’d expect from Sanjoy.

The other paper which I found intriguing but which I just haven’t groked yet is this beast by Manfred and Dima Kuzmin.
You can check out the (beautiful) slides
if that helps. I feel like there is something deep here, but my brain is too small to understand it. The COLT and last NIPS papers/slides are also on Manfred’s page. Hopefully someone here can illuminate.

more icml papers

Here are a few other papers I enjoyed from ICML06.

Topic Models:

  • Dynamic Topic Models

    David Blei, John Lafferty
    A nice model for how topics in LDA type models can evolve over time,
    using a linear dynamical system on the natural parameters and a very
    clever structured variational approximation (in which the mean field
    parameters are pseudo-observations of a virtual LDS). Like all Blei
    papers, he makes it look easy, but it is extremely impressive.

  • Pachinko Allocation

    Wei Li, Andrew McCallum
    A very elegant (but computationally challenging) model which induces
    correlation amongst topics using a multi-level DAG whose interior nodes
    are “super-topics” and “sub-topics” and whose leaves are the
    vocabulary words. Makes the slumbering monster of structure learning stir.

Sequence Analysis (I missed these talks since I was chairing another session)

  • Online Decoding of Markov Models with Latency Constraints

    Mukund Narasimhan, Paul Viola, Michael Shilman
    An “ah-ha!” paper showing how to trade off latency and decoding
    accuracy when doing MAP labelling (Viterbi decoding) in sequential
    Markovian models. You’ll wish you thought of this yourself.

  • Efficient inference on sequence segmentation model

    Sunita Sarawagi
    A smart way to re-represent potentials in segmentation models
    to reduce the complexity of inference from cubic in the input sequence
    to linear. Also check out her NIPS2004 paper with William Cohen
    on “segmentation CRFs”. Moral of the story: segmentation is NOT just
    sequence labelling.

Optimal Partitionings/Labellings

  • The uniqueness of a good optimum for K-means

    Marina Meila
    Marina shows a stability result for K-means clustering, namely
    that if you find a “good” clustering it is not too “different” than the
    (unknowable) optimal clustering and that all other good clusterings
    are “near” it. So, don’t worry about local minima in K-means as long
    as you get a low objective.

  • Quadratic Programming Relaxations for Metric Labeling and Markov Random Field MAP Estimation

    Pradeep Ravikumar, John Lafferty
    Paradeep and John introduce QP relaxations for the problem of finding
    the best joint labelling of a set of points (connected by a weighted
    graph and with a known metric cost between labels and extended
    the non-metric case). Surprisingly, they show that the QP relaxation
    is both computationally more attractive and more accurate than
    the “natural” LP relaxation or than loopy BP approximations.

Distinguished Paper Award Winners