Computability in Artificial Intelligence

Normally I do not blog, but John kindly invited me to do so. Since computability issues play a major role in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, I would like to take the opportunity to comment on that and raise some questions.

The general attitude is that AI is about finding efficient smart algorithms. For large parts of machine learning, the same attitude is not too dangerous. If you want to concentrate on conceptual problems, simply become a statistician. There is no analogous escape for modern research on AI (as opposed to GOFAI rooted in logic).

Let me show by analogy why limiting research to computational questions is bad for any field.

Except in computer science, computational aspects play little role in the development of fundamental theories: Consider e.g. set theory with axiom of choice, foundations of logic, exact/full minimax for zero-sum games, quantum (field) theory, string theory, … Indeed, at least in physics, every new fundamental theory seems to be less computable than previous ones. Of course, once a subject has been formalized, further research (a) analyzes the structure of the theory and (b) tries to compute efficient approximations. Only in (b) do computational aspects play a role.

So my question is: Why are computational questions so prevalent in AI research? Here are some unconvincing arguments I’ve heard:

A) Because AI is a subfield of computer science, and the task of computer scientists is to find (efficient) algorithms for well-defined problems?

I think it does not do any (real-world) problem any good to confine it to computer science. Of course, philosophers and cognitive scientists also care about AI, but where are the mathematicians?

B) Because formalizing AI and finding efficient smart programs goes hand-in-hand? Separating these two issues would lead to no, or at best to results which are misleading or useless in the construction of intelligent machines?

I am not aware of any convincing argument that separating the issues of “axiomatizing a field” and “finding efficient solutions” will (likely) fail for AI. The examples above of other fields actually indicate the opposite. Of course, interaction is important to avoid both sides running wild. For instance, von Neumann’s minimax solution for games, albeit infeasible for most games, is the cornerstone of most practical approximations.

C) Because there is some deep connection between intelligence and computation which can not be disentangled?

Sure, you could say that intelligence is by definition about computationally efficient decision making. This is as unconvincing as argument (A). Pointing out that the human brain is a computational device is quite useful in many ways, but doesn’t proves (C) either. Of course, ultimately we want a “fast” smart algorithm. How is AI different from wanting a fast algorithm computing primes, which you derive from a non-algorithmic definition of primes; or drawing fractals?

D) Because AI is trivial if computational issues are ignored? All conceptual problems have already been solved?

Many have expressed ideas that some form of exhaustive search over all possible solutions and picking the “best” one does the job. This works essentially for exactly those problems that are well-defined. For instance, optimal minimax play of a zero-sum game or solving NP complete problems are conceptually trivial, i.e. if computation time is ignored. But in general AI and machine learning, there is not a universally agreed-upon objective function. The Turing test is informal (involves a human judge in the loop), maximizing expected reward (the true distribution is not known, so expectation w.r.t. to what?), etc. The AIXI model, briefly discussed at this blog, is the first complete and formal such criterion, for which, let me phrase it that way, no flaw has yet been identified. Shane Legg’s award-winning thesis gives an informal introduction and contains lots of discussion.

Conceptual and computational problems in AI should be studied jointly as well as separately, but the latter is not (yet) fashionable. When AI was more logic oriented, some good logicians helped develop the foundations of “deductive” AI. Where are the researchers giving modern “inductive” AI its foundation? I am talking about generic learning agents, not classifying i.i.d. data. Reinforcement learners? Well, most of the hard results are from adaptive control theorists, but it’s reassuring to see parts of these communities merging. It’s a pity that so few mathematicians are interested in AI. A field “mathematical AI” with the prestige of “mathematical physics” would be exciting. As a start: 40% of the COLT & ALT papers on generic learning agents, 30% induction, 20% time-series forecasting, 10% i.i.d. Currently it’s reversed.