I’ve been looking at some recent embeddings work, and am struck by how beautiful the theory and algorithms are. It also makes me wonder, what are embeddings good for?
A few things immediately come to mind:
(1) For visualization of high-dimensional data sets.
In this case, one would like good algorithms for embedding specifically into 2- and 3-dimensional Euclidean spaces.
(2) For nonparametric modeling.
The usual nonparametric models (histograms, nearest neighbor) often require resources which are exponential in the dimension. So if the data actually lie close to some low-dimensional
surface, it might be a good idea to first identify this surface and embed the data before applying the model.
Incidentally, for applications like these, it’s important to have a functional mapping from high to low dimension, which some techniques do not yield up.
(3) As a prelude to classifier learning.
The hope here is presumably that learning will be easier in the low-dimensional space, because of (i) better generalization and (ii) a more “natural” layout of the data.
I’d be curious to know of other uses for embeddings.