Carbon in Computer Science Research

Al Gore‘s film and gradually more assertive and thorough science has managed to mostly shift the debate on climate change from “Is it happening?” to “What should be done?” In that context, it’s worthwhile to think a bit about what can be done within computer science research.

There are two things we can think about:

  1. Doing Research At a cartoon level, computer science research consists of some combination of commuting to&from work, writing programs, running them on computers, writing papers, and presenting them at conferences. A typical computer has a power usage on the order of 100 Watts, which works out to 2.4 kiloWatt-hours/day. Looking up David MacKay‘s reference on power usage per person, it becomes clear that this is a relatively minor part of the lifestyle, although it could become substantial if many more computers are required. Much larger costs are associated with commuting (which is in common with many people) and attending conferences. Since local commuting is common across many people, and there are known approaches (typically public transportation) for more efficient commuting, I expect researchers can piggyback on improvements in public transportation to reduce commuting costs. In fact, the situation for researchers may be better in general, as the nature of the job may make commuting avoidable, at least on some days.

    Presenting at conferences is the remaining problem area, essentially due to travel by airplane to and from a conference. Travel by airplane has an energy cost similar to travel by car over the same distance, but we typically take airplanes for very long distances. Unlike cars, typical airplane usage requires stored energy in a dense form. For example, there are no serious proposals I’m aware of for battery-powered airplanes, because all existing rechargeable batteries have a power density around 1/10th that of hydrocarbon fuel (which makes sense given that about 3/4 of the mass for a hydrocarbon fire is oxygen in the air). This suggests airplane transport may be particularly difficult to adapt towards low or zero carbon usage. The plausible approaches I know involve either using electricity (from where?) to inefficiently crack water for hydrogen, or the biofuel approach where hydrocarbons are made by plants, with neither of these approaches particularly far along in development. If these aren’t developed, it seems we should expect fewer conferences, more regional conferences, Europe with it’s extensive fast train network to be less impacted, and more serious effort towards distributed conferences. For the last, it’s easy to imagine with existing technology having simultaneous regional conferences which are mutually videoconferenced, and we aren’t far from being able to handle a fully interactive videobroadcast amongst an indefinitely large number of participants. As a corollary of fewer conferences, other interactive mechanisms (for example research blogs) seems likely to grow.

  2. Research Topics They keyword for research topics is efficiency, and it is not a trivial concern on a global scale. In computer science, there have been a few algorithms (such as quicksort and hashing) developed which substantially and broadly improved real-world efficiency, but the real driver of efficiency so far is the hardware development, which has phenomenally improved efficiency for several decades.

    Many of the efficiency improvements are sure to remain hardware based, but software is becoming an essential component. One basic observation about efficient algorithms is that for problems admitting an efficient parallel solution (counting is a great example), the parallel algorithm is generally more efficient, because energy use is typically superlinear in clock speed. As an extreme example, the human brain which is deeply optimized by evolution for energy efficiency typically runs at at 100Hz or 100KHz.

    Although efficiency suggests parallel algorithms, this should not be done blindly. For example, in machine learning the evidence I’ve seen so far suggests that online learning (which is admittedly harder to parallelize) is substantially more efficient than batch style learning, implying that I expect online approaches to be more efficient than map-reduce based machine learning as is typically seen in the Mahout project.

    A substantial difficulty with parallel algorithms is the programming itself. In this regard, there is plenty of room for programming language work as well.

Vowpal Wabbit Open Source Project

Today brings a new release of the Vowpal Wabbit fast online learning software. This time, unlike the previous release, the project itself is going open source, developing via github. For example, the lastest and greatest can be downloaded via:

git clone git://

If you aren’t familiar with git, it’s a distributed version control system which supports quick and easy branching, as well as reconciliation.

This version of the code is confirmed to compile without complaint on at least some flavors of OSX as well as Linux boxes.

As much of the point of this project is pushing the limits of fast and effective machine learning, let me mention a few datapoints from my experience.

  1. The program can effectively scale up to batch-style training on sparse terafeature (i.e. 1012 sparse feature) size datasets. The limiting factor is typically i/o.
  2. I started using the the real datasets from the large-scale learning workshop as a convenient benchmark. The largest dataset takes about 10 minutes. (This is using the native features that the organizers intended as a starting point, yet all contestants used. In some cases, that admittedly gives you performance nowhere near to optimal.)
  3. After using this program for awhile, it’s substantially altered my perception of what is a large-scale learning problem. This causes confusion when people brag about computational performance on tiny datasets with only 105 examples 🙂

I would also like to emphasize that this is intended as an open source project rather than merely a code drop, as occurred last time. What I think this project has to offer researchers is an infrastructure for implementing fast online algorithms. It’s reasonably straightforward to implant your own tweaked algorithm, automatically gaining the substantial benefits of the surrounding code that deals with file formats, file caching, buffering, etc… In a very real sense, most of the code is this surrounding stuff, which you don’t have to rewrite to benefit from. For people applying machine learning, there is some obvious value in getting very fast feedback in a batch setting, as well as having an algorithm that actually works in a real online setting.

As one example of the ability to reuse the code for other purposes, an effective general purpose online implementation of the Offset Tree is included. I haven’t seen any other implementation of an algorithm for learning in the agnostic partial label setting, so this code may be of substantial interest for people encountering these sorts of problems.

The difference between this version and the previous is a nearly total rewrite. Some bigger changes are:

  1. We dropped SEG for now, because of code complexity reasons.
  2. Multicore parallelization proceeds in a different fashion—parallelization over features instead of examples. This works better with caches. Note that all parallelization of the core algorithm is meaningless unless you use the -q flag, because otherwise you are i/o bound.
  3. The code is more deeply threaded, with a separate thread for parsing.
  4. There is support for several different loss functions, and it’s easy to add your own.

I’m interested in any bug reports or suggestions for the code. I have substantial confidence that this code can do interesting and useful things, but improving it is a constant and ongoing process.

Interesting papers at KDD

I attended KDD this year. The conference has always had a strong grounding in what works based on the KDDcup, but it has developed a halo of workshops on various subjects. It seems that KDD has become a place where the economy meets machine learning in a stronger sense than many other conferences.

There were several papers that other people might like to take a look at.

  1. Yehuda Koren Collaborative Filtering with Temporal Dynamics. This paper describes how to incorporate temporal dynamics into a couple of collaborative filtering approaches. This was also a best paper award.
  2. D. Sculley, Robert Malkin, Sugato Basu, Roberto J. Bayardo, Predicting Bounce Rates in Sponsored Search Advertisements. The basic claim of this paper is that the probability people immediately leave (“bounce”) after clicking on an advertisement is predictable.
  3. Frank McSherry and Ilya Mironov Differentially Private Recommender Systems: Building Privacy into the Netflix Prize Contenders. The basic claim here is that it is possible to beat the baseline system in Netflix and preserve a nontrivial amount of user privacy. It’s the first demonstration I’ve seen of this sort, and it’s particularly impressive they used a strong algorithm-independent definition of privacy which Cynthia Dwork first stated.

KDD also experimented this year with crowdvine which was interesting. Compared to Mark Reid‘s efforts with ICML, they managed to get substantially more participation. There seemed to be two reasons: the conference organizers more deeply integrated and encouraged the use of crowdvine, and crowdvine has certain handy additional uses—you can create your own personal schedule for instance, which incidentally provides some vague global notion of the popularity of various papers. The biggest drawback I found was that the papers themselves were not integrated into the website.

The Machine Learning Forum

Dear Fellow Machine Learners,

For the past year or so I have become increasingly frustrated with the peer review system in our field. I constantly get asked to review papers in which I have no interest. At the same time, as an action editor in JMLR, I constantly have to harass people to review papers. When I send papers to conferences and to journals I often get rejected with reviews that, at least in my mind, make no sense. Finally, I have a very hard time keeping up with the best new work, because I don’t know where to look for it…

I decided to try an do something to improve the situation. I started a new web site, which I decided to call “The machine learning forum” the URL is

The main idea behind this web site is to remove anonymity from the review process. In this site, all opinions are attributed to the actual person that expressed them. I expect that this will improve the quality of the reviews. An obvious other effect is that there will be fewer negative reviews, weak papers will tend not to get reviewed at all, but then again, is that such a bad thing?

If you have any interest in this endeavor, please register to the web site and please submit a photo of yourself. Based on the information on your web site I will decide whether to grant you “author” privileges that would allow you to write reviews and overviews. Anybody can submit pointers to publications that they would like somebody to review. Anybody can participate in the discussion forum that is a fancy message board with threads etc.

Right now the main contribution I am looking for are “overviews”.

Overviews are pages written by somebody who is an authority in some area (for example, Kamalika Chaudhuri is an authority on mixture models) in which they list the main papers in the area and five a high level description for how the papers relate. These overviews are intended to serve as an entry point for somebody that wants to learn about that subfield. Overviews *can* reference the work of the author of the overview. This is unlike reviews, in which the reviewer cannot be the author of the reviewed paper.

I hope you are interested enough to give this a try!

Comments are very welcome.


Yoav Freund (

Netflix nearly done

A $1M qualifying result was achieved on the public Netflix test set by a 3-way ensemble team. This is just in time for Yehuda‘s presentation at KDD, which I’m sure will be one of the best attended ever.

This isn’t quite over—there are a few days for another super-conglomerate team to come together and there is some small chance that the performance is nonrepresentative of the final test set, but I expect not.

Regardless of the final outcome, the biggest lesson for ML from the Netflix contest has been the formidable performance edge of ensemble methods.