Open Machine Learning

Open Machine Learning Workshop

The Workshop

The goal of this workshop is to inform people about open source machine learning systems being developed, aid the coordination of such projects, and discuss future plans.


8:55am: Introduction slides 1 slides 2 video
9:00am: Liblinear by CJ Lin slides video (after intro)
9:25am: Vowpal Wabbit and Learning to Search by John Langford and Hal Daume slides video
9:50am: Torch by Nicolas Vasilache, Sumit Chopra, and Koray Kavukcuoglu slides video
10:15am: Break w/ refreshments
10:45am: Theano and PyLearn by Bart van Merrienboer and Frederic Bastien slides video
11:10am: Shogun by Heiko Strathmann slides video
11:35am: Stan by Bob Carpenter slides video
Noon: Lunch on your own
1:00pm: Summary: The systems as they exist slides video
1:20pm: Panel. Moderator Leon Bottou video
2:00pm: Break w/ refreshments
2:30pm: Discussion time for individual projects
4:00pm: Liblinear future plans slides video
4:10pm: Vowpal Wabbit future plans video
4:20pm: Torch future plans video
4:30pm: Theano and PyLearn future plans slides video
4:40pm: Shogun future plans video
4:50pm: Stan future plans slides video


Olivier Grisel visited later and talked about scikit-learn video


Alekh Agarwal, Alina Beygelzimer, and John Langford
