Twist Extrusion
In 1999, I proposed a severe plastic deformation process that became known as Twist Extrusion (TE). This process can change the structure of materials, significantly improving some of their physical and mechanical properties (and, in certain cases, gaining new properties). TE works by extruding a prism specimen through a matrix whose profile consists of two prism-like regions separated by a twist passage. The extruded material undergoes an intense shift, with the property that the final cross-section of the specimen is idential to the initial cross-section. This property allows for a repeated extrusion that accumulates the value of deformation.

TE is carried out under high hydrostatic pressure in the center of deformation which is created by applying anti-pressure to the specimen when it exists the matrix.

There are currently three main application areas of TE:

  • obtaining ultra-fine grained crystalline and nano-crystalline structures in bulk specimens;
  • increasing the plasticity of secondary non-ferrous metals and alloys, which allows one to significantly broaden the range of production.
  • obtaining bulk specimens by consolidating porous materials which allows one to create substantially different, new compositions with unique characteristics.


Y. Beygelzimer, V. Varukhin, S. Synkov, A. Sapronov, V. Synkov. New techniques for accumulating large plastic deformations using hydroextrusion, Fizika i Tekhnika Vusokih Davlenii (High Pressure Physics and Technology, in Russian), Vol. 9, No. 3 (1999).

Y. Beygelzimer, V. Varyukhin, D. Orlov, S. Sinkov. Twist Extrusion: Accumulating Deformations (in Russian), 2003.

Y. Beygelzimer, D. Orlov, V. Varyukhin. A new severe plastic deformation method: Twist Extrusion/Ultrafine Grained Materials II. Proceedings of a Symposium held during the 2002 TMS Annual Meeting I, Seattle, Washington, February 17--21, 2002 / edited by Y. Zhu, T. Langdon, R. Mishra, S. Semiatin, M. Saran, T. Lowe, pp. 297--304 (2002).

V. Varukhin, Y. Beygelzimer, S. Synkov, D. Orlov. Applications of Twist Extrusion, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 503-504, pp. 335--340 (2006).

V. Varyukhin, V. Tkatch, V. Maslov, Y. Beygelzimer, S. Synkov, V. Nosenko, S. Rassolov, A. Synkov, V. Krysov, V. Mashira. Consolidation of amorphous Al86Ni6Co2Gd6 melt-spun ribbons by twist extrusion, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 503--504, 699--704 (2006).

V. Stolyarov, Y. Beygelzimer (written as Beigel'zimer), D. Orlov, and R. Valiev. Refinement of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Processed by Twist Extrusion and Subsequent Rolling, The Physics of Metals and Metallography, Vol. 99, No. 2, pp. 204--211 (2005).


A new severe plastic deformation technique: Twist Extrusion (ppt, pdf), 2002.

Whirls and mixing in twist extrusion (in Russian) (ppt, pdf), 2006.

How to Make Strong Metals With High Ductility? (ppt, pdf), 2005.

Applications of Twist Extrusion (ppt, pdf), 2005.
